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Title: Cold Box Inspection For LNG Plant Fitness Methods And Tasks To Determine Cold Box Integrity Including Metallurgical Assessment Of The Cold Box Internal Components
Author: Roy F. Williams, Richard A. Hoffmann, Irving Weiss
Source: American Gas Association 1993
Year Published: 1993
Abstract: This paper describes the Consolidated Edison LNG Plants cold box inspection and maintenance program performed in 1992. This program included reinsulation of the cold box, examination of all surfaces and instrumentation systems, and a mechanical engineering and metallurgical assessment. The mechanical engineering assessment consisted of evaluating existing pipe hangers and supports, inspecting non-metallic slides for large heat exchangers, and bringing the pipe support components back to original specification conditions. The metallurgical assessment consisted of examining all metal surfaces for corrosion and looking for indications of fatigue and wear damage, cracking, leakage or structural distortion. Also, a back up thermocouple system was installed, and all openings were sealed and inspected for evidence of leakage. To evaluate the benefits of this program infrared (IR) thermographic images of the cold box were taken while the plant was running before any work was started and after the work was completed. The benefits of this work were clearly demonstrated by this in

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