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Title: Direct Assessment: Art Or Science Or Both
Author: David Berger
Source: American Gas Association 2003
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: The recently proposed federal rule making on pipeline integrity was a direct result of several major incidents. Three of these recent incidents are the direct antecedents of the rule making (these incidents also resulted in the already promulgated hazardous liquid rules for pipelines over and under 500 miles). The first of the three was in mid 1990s in Edison New Jersey. This natural gas pipeline ruptured and caused millions of dollars of property damage. It was very fortunate that no loss of life occurred. The second incident was in the summer of 1999 in Bellingham, Washington. This was a rupture of a hazardous liquid pipeline, carrying gasoline at the time of failure, that result in three deaths, many people being evacuated from their homes and substantial environmental damage. The third and last incident was a natural gas pipeline rupture in Carlsbad, New Mexico that caused 12 fatalities. In the case of both Bellingham and Carlsbad, no pipeline workers were killed, only the general public.

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