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Title: New Developments In Meter Shop Design, Equipment And Techniques
Author: T. E. Smith, H. F. Lee, D. L. Maret
Source: 1968 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1968
Abstract: Over the years, meter shops have come from the dim back rooms out into the modern automated factories that many of them are today. This has been no easy accomplishment but rather the work of many dedicated people m the measurement business. Ideally, a meter shop should be designed so that a meter will travel the least possible practical distance in its journey through ths shop. Larger shops have automated this movement to a considerable degree by means of conveyors and mechanized equipment. Smaller shops may not be able to justify mechanization but the basic idea of smooth and concise flow of product should be maintained no matter what the size of the shop.

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