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Title: Errors Due To Use Of The AGA8 Equation Of State Outside Of Its Range Of Validity
Author: Norman Glen, David Mills, Douglas Griffin, Steinar Fosse
Source: 2016 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: In any measurement system (apart from the most triv ial) the model(s) used to convert the basic outputs of transducers to the fin al quantity of interest form an integral part of the system and will have an impact on the overall uncertainty of measurement achievable. For example, a resistance- temperature device such as a platinum resistance thermometer makes use of an e quation relating the resistance of platinum wire to temperature. Simila rly, an ultrasonic flow meter makes use of a model describing the time of flight of the ultrasonic signal across the flowing fluid. In both these cases (and many o thers), the direct influence of the models are reduced, through calibration of the complete measurement system. However, in the case of gas metering syste ms, for example those used to account for production in the North Sea, this is not necessarily the case

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