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Title: Techinques Of Gas Spot Sampling
Author: Stephen Palmitier
Source: 2008 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: The requirement for consistent, repeatable, representative gas samples is driven by both economics and by operations. The monetary value of the gas is principally determined by its energy content as expressed in British Thermal Units (BTU). The BTU value of the flow of natural gas needs to be established at various transfer points so that all parties to the transactions are treated equitably. The BTU value of the gas needs to be determined where it enters a plant so that operations may be balanced. Accurate samples are also important in maintaining the integrity of the pipeline. There are three basic methods for sampling gas. One method is to periodically take a spot sample. The spot sample is a single sample that is taken periodically and analyzed to determine BTU value. Another method is the use of an online analyzer. Small samples are taken from the flow and analyzed real-time at the collection point. The third method used is to collect composite samples. The composite sample is a physical mix of small individual sample units taken over time that are analyzed as a group. The composition of the sample can be corrupted by poor technique (including the equipment used). Regardless of the method used, proper sampling is fundamental in determining the correct composition of the gas. Fair trade, plant balance, and pipeline integrity demand it. This paper will focus on techniques of spot sampling.

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