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Title: Frontier Area Gas Development Some Practical Considerations
Author: J. W. Howard
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: The events of this past winter have brought home to everyone the seriousness of our energy situation, particularly with respect to supplies of natural gas. There is much interest and considerable debate at all levels of national government as well as by the man on the street about what the true gas supply situation is. In our own industry there is more than a little concern with what the future holds relative to new supplies of natural gas. The story is all too familiar. Since 1968 we have been using up our known gas reserves at a rate faster than they are being replaced with new discoveries. Of the estimated 730 TCF of natural gas reserves that have been found to date, we have used up 70%. The area of the coterminous 48 states is one of the most heavily explored regions of the world, with essentially every known area containing sedimentary basins favorable for the accumulation of oil and gas having been explored to some degree. While additional discoveries will continue to be made it must be realized from a practical viewpoint that the large easy-to-find reserves have been discovered and developed.

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