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Title: Mechanical Displacement Meter Provers For Liquids
Author: Charles R. Groves,Carl C. Thomas
Source: 1973 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: Today, with the increasing need for energy, the decreasing supply, and the higher costs involved, the need for accurate measurement is of vital importance to all of us. WHY A METER PROVER? Two major types of liquid meters, as you have learned earlier, can be turbine or positive displacement. When new, they are manufactured to an accuracy of h of 1 percent by volume throughout a given range. However, meters have a tendency to wear - causing a drag on the moving parts, or permitting slippage of liquid through the measuring unit. Liquid meters are constantly being checked in the field, preferably in their own environment by a prover to determine this degree of inaccuracy.

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