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Title: Marine Biomass Energy Project
Author: James R. Frank, Joseph E. Leone
Source: American Gas Association 1980
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Using the open oceans to produce biomass as the energy source is attractive because of the large amount of available space on the sea surface, plant nutrients in the oceans depths, and environmental energy in the waves and currents. The Energy from Marine Biomass Program, jointly sponsored by the Gas Research Institute and the Department of Energy and managed by the General Electric Company, has, as its primary objective, the development and demonstration of optimized and integrated processes for the production of Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) from marine biomass that maximize gas production at minimum gas costs. California Giant Kelp, Macrocyslis pyri/era) is the species under current study as the producer of the biomass and, to this end, an open ocean test farm has been successfully deployed off the coast of southern California for the purpose of cultivating kelp on an artificial substrate. Nutrients are continually supplied to the kelp plants by means of a 1,500-foot, vertical, polyethylene pipe anchored to the test farm structure.

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