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Title: Supporting Legacy Naval Test Equipment
Author: Maria Olea, Zareh Zakarian
Source: 2003 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: Most fighter pilots are familiar with the Ault Report 1 that established the Navys Top Gun school. What is less known about the Ault Report is that it pointed out the need for a rigorous testing program to ensure the reliability and availability of missiles. That need has not changed as shown in the recent report by Thomas P. Christie 2 (Operational Test and Evaluation) and by the Government Accounting Offices (GAO) audit of avionics support equipment. The need for a rigorous testing program is, in fact, greater today than in the past. This testing program should not only be rigorous, but also needs to include a thorough and well-planned calibration program. Weapons systems are considerably more complex than in the 1970s. These systems are also much more capable and greater reliance is placed on each individual weapon each time.

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