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Title: Some Fundamental Principles Of Orifice Flowhetering
Author: Walter E. Wiktorowicz
Source: 1988 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: concentric, square-edged orifice s to be the most widely used : for both liquid and gas flow Other types of flowmeters, such as .urbine, target, and vortex, crease in popularity, but for the large volumes of gas at high simple orifice flowmeter is )wroetering involves creating a w pattern in a circular . conduit by the introduction of an asuring various parameters of the ind applying these measured roven flow rate equations to :ities. The design of an orifice ion first consists of calculating ifice bore to effect the desired tween flow rate and differential turbulent flow conditions, the -essure is proportional to the low rate when all other fluid dn constant. This relationship is

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