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Title: Techniques Of Composite Gas Sampling
Author: Stephen Palmitier
Source: 2007 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: The requirement for consistent, repeatable, representative gas samples is driven by both economics and by operations. The monetary value of the gas is principally determined by its energy content as expressed in British Thermal Units (BTU). The BTU value of the flow of natural gas needs to be established at various transfer points so that both parties to the transactions are treated equitably. The BTU value of the gas needs to be determined where it enters a plant so that operations may be balanced. Accurate samples are also important in maintaining the integrity of the pipeline. There are three basic methods for sampling gas. One method is to periodically take a spot sample. This is a relatively inexpensive method to sample but it leads to other problems that can be very expensive in other ways. A lot can change in the gas flow between the spot samples leading to inaccurate BTU values or undervaluing change that can impair pipeline integrity. Another method is the use of an online analyzer. This process is very expensive in the cost and maintenance of the equipment. Over time, the preferred method used to collect samples for analysis in determining BTU value has become the composite sample. By properly establishing the series of samples that make up the composite, it is possible to get a very good picture of the gas flow over time

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