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Title: Traceability of Liquid Natural Gas Measurements
Author: Thomas Kegel and William Johansen
Source: 2018 North American Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: Industrial use of liquefed natural gas (LNG) has a surprisingly long history. The first practical refrigeration system was built in 1873 the first commercial liquefaction plant was built in 1917. Over time two applications have been developed that are relevant to the current paper. The first involves storage of LNG to handle peak demand in pipeline systems, the process is identified as peak shaving. A second application is the transport of hydrocarbon fuel where gas pipelines are unavailable. More recently LNG playing an important role in the storage and transport of energy. This paper considers LNG measurement traceability from the perspective of a ?ow calibration facility. The paper is divided into four main sections: The first is a brief case study of marine bunkering, the second discusses other LNG ?ow measurement applications. The third section describes the NIST cryogenic ?ow standard. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of uncertainty components.

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