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Title: Determination Of Calorific Values Of Natural Gas By Combustion Instruments
Author: Robert Van Meter
Source: 1989 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1989
Abstract: Calorific value is a way of defining a quantity of gas in terms of heat per unit volume. The units most often used in this country to specify calorific value are BTU and cubic foot. The BTU is defined by Websters Dictionary as The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Falirenhelt at or near 39,2 F. There are two methods of determining ISTU value which require that the fuel be burned as part of the measurement. The Cutler Hammer calorimeter produces BTU values by measuring the temperature of a volume of air, heating the air by burning a volume of gas, and measuring the temperature of the air again. The temperature rise of the air is proportional to BTU and is recorded on an analog atrip chart or digitally on a printer. Another method of BTU measurement is based on the stoichiometric principal. Both the Precision Measurement instrument and the Honeywell analyzer implement tlris principal of measurement.

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