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Title: Determination Of Line Losseslow Pressure Lines
Author: C. E. Halloren
Source: 1941 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1941
Abstract: There is an obvious relationship between the subjects of gas measurement and lost or unaccounted for gas, Both involve measurement, and lost or unaccounted for gas may be defined as the difference between the amount of gas purchased at the town border meter and the amount of gas sold to consumers. Assuming that the measurement at each end of the system, that is the purchasing and the selling points, are accurate, there still exist some differences which represent a dead loss to the gas company. This difference is usually termed Unaccounted for Gas and consists of Actual Leakage and Apparent Leakage. Apparent leakage is caused by a number of variables which if given serious study in the office can usually be reduced to a negligible amount, and will normally adjust itself over a period of months.

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