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Title: Fundamentals Of Diaphragm Type Positive Displacement Meters
Author: Joe Barbour
Source: 1981 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: The Positive Displacement Meter principle is applied on both diaphragm type and rotary type meters. Although the operational principle is different, the fact remains that both types measure by means of sealing off a known quantity of gas, and subseguently releasing it. The bulk of the meters in use today are of the positive displacement type. Over 40 million gas meters are employed in measuring gas volumes by positive displacement in the U.S. Of this total, the large majority are used to measure gas volumes consumed by domestic residential customers. Other measurement principles are applied in the case of the Turbo-Meter, Orifice Meter or Swirl Meter.

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