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Title: Leak Detection On Petroleum Pipelines Paper Number 2210
Author: Laurence E. Demick
Source: 2002 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: The objective of leak detection on petroleum pipelines is to identify a breech in the integrity of the pipeline in a time frame to permit isolation of that breech before there is a significant loss of the product. What constitutes a significant loss depends on several factors. These include, for example, the environmental sensitivity of the area at the leak and the value of the product. In principle, the actual isolation of the breech is not a part of the leak detection system, but the ability to isolate is also an important factor in establishing sensitivity criteria for the leak detection system, since it ultimately establishes how much product is lost once a leak is detected. These factors combine to establish required system sensitivity criteria that include the minimum size of leak to be detected and the time frame in which this size leak will be detected. An overriding criterion, however, is that the leak detection system must not be so sensitive as to be subject to frequent false alarms. Experience shows that a system which false alarms frequently is either shutdown or ignored, and real leaks are not identified in a timely manner

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