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Title: The Functions Of Field Metermen
Author: Harry R. Mccauley
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: We wonder if the person who put those five words together to make them a topic of discussion or the basic theme for a paper realized the magnitude and scope of the subject. We feel sure, if he gave it any consideration at all, it was in a very casual manner, just as we did when we accepted it as the subject for this paper. Our first look at the subject pictured the meterman as one whose duties involved primarily the installation and maintenance of the various types of gas meters generally in use in field service. We could readily see how the functions of that meterman might be comparatively simple and clearly defined. But the longer we looked at our picture the more convinced we became that the present day meterman is working in a considerably broader field. He is no longer charged merely with the care and supervision of the ordinary orifice or displacement meter, but he is required to familiarize and acquaint himself with and have an understandable working knowledge of a considerable group of other mechanical devices and various types of instruments, such as regulators, controllers, recorders, level controls, etc. The meterman of yesterday has come a long way from Just an ordinary workman with little or no particular qualifications, to a well-trained, expert instrument technician. Hence, the functions of a field meterman may be divided into several definite and distinct divisions, all of which have their importance, but because of the broad scope of his activities, we will, in presenting this subject, consider only some of his general duties and requirements

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