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Title: The Outer Continental Shelf - Blueprint For A Legal Armageddon?
Author: Hugh Garner
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Perhaps a word of explanation for the title to this paper is in order. In Biblical Prophecy, the Armageddon is the scene of a battle between the forces of evil and good predicted to occur at the end of the world. The battle 1 perceive is now in progress-not on the plains ol Meggido. but just off shore on the outer continental shelf and its occuring not necessarily at the end of the world but surely at the end of a way of life we in the United States have known and enjoyed for generations. The ideas that are in contention have application far beyond the outer continental shelf (OCS) rather, they can be employed in new legal forums as the contest moves to the on-shore areas.

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