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Title: Status Report On The Gri Metering Research Facility
Author: Cecil R. Sparks, Robert J. Mckee
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: In February 1987, the Gas Research Institute initiated a long range program at Southwest Research Institute for development of a Metering Research Facility. It is GRIs intent that this facility support research and testing needs of the natural gas industry in a concerted and systematic program to improve the state of the art gas flow measurement at field installations. Inherent within this overall objective is the concern for improving and expanding the capabilities of metering devices available to the gas industry in areas such as intrinsic accuracy, rangeability, calibration, maintenance/service requirements, energy measurement, metering automation, and data documentation. Of equal importance, however, is the recognized need to assure that field flow conditions, installation configurations, and station design guidelines are sufficient to minimize field-induced errors within acceptable limits. The intended role of a Metering Research Facility in achieving such objectives is that of providing an effective testing capability to define experimentally the performance of a variety of meter types over the ranges of flow conditions and configurational variations of interest to the gas transmission, distribution, and production industries. To service this role, the MRF must possess absolute accuracy and traceability sufficient to define meter accuracy under carefully controlled laboratory conditions.

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