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Title: Field Test And Repair Of Large Capacity Displacement Meters
Author: Harry W. Aivalotis
Source: 1975 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: The entire concept of meter maintenance is rooted in economics. Both the gas company and the customer look upon the gas meter as a cash register-an arbiter of dollars-because each is concerned that true value be received for money spent. Regulatory agencies have part of their roots bedded deeply in the economics that stem from the publics desire that some basis of law guarantee fair treatment in the market place. More and more our product has become a premium energy source the cost of gas now and in the future, compared to the relatively cheap gas of years gone by, mandates that measurement be as accurate as possible. The forces of both law and economics make mandatory a meter maintenance program for any gas company. Whether or not large volume meters are tested and maintained in the field or in a meter shop is a matter of company policy, organization, and geography. Testing meters on location requires an investment in specially trained personnel, special test equipment and, to be efficient, meter settings equipped with bypass facilities and test connections. It should be possible for the meterman to quickly and easily bypass the meter without interrupting service to the customer, take the meter out of service, and connect the test equipment.

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