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Title: Installation Effects: Results Of The Eec 100 mm Orifice Plate Project
Author: John m. Hobbs, Jane A. Sattary
Source: 1986 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: Over the past six years an extensive investigation has been undertaken under the joint sponsorship of the Commission of the EEC (the European Economic Community) and the participating organizations into the discharge coefficients of orifice plates and especially in the accurate measurement of natural gas. A broad description of the programme and some results of the work have already been published. The tests described in this paper were to provide data on the installation straight lengths required after disturbances caused by various fittings including multiple bends, both In the same plane and in perpendicular planes, with and without the use of flow straighteners. While, in general, the upstream lengths given for the multiple bends in ISO 5167 were found to be sufficient to keep the deviations of the coefficients within the tolerances given, shorter distances such as those given in AGA 3 had significant effects.

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