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Title: Impacts Upon The Measurement Uncertainty Of Liquid-Flow Facilities Originating From Random-Like Variations Of The Flow Parameters
Author: Rainer Engel, Hans-Joachim Baade
Source: 2012 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: Traceability of the measurement units in fluid flow metering, as the state-of-the-art approach, is practiced as a so-called element-by-element method which relies upon the idealistic assumption that the measurement process in a flow calibration facility can be run under exact steady-state conditions, i.e. absolutely no fluctuations of the flow quantities are assumed to occur during the flow measurement process. Based upon this assumption, it seems to be sufficient that, for traceability purposes, solely the those SI units are quantitatively taken into account which are the composing elements of the fluid flow measurands, the unit fluid flow rate or the total volume flow, respectively

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