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Title: Heatquantitycalculationsrelating Water-Vapor Injhe Gas
Author(s): [Not Available]
Source: 1997 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1997
Abstract: A large amount of unit conversions take place in our industry. Conversions take place at our laboratories, on flow computers, and in our accounting departments. Each time a conversion takes place there is potential for errors and miscalculations. Our industry is working towards standardization of units and single definitions for those units. Until that is accomplished, however, each business must maintain a clear understanding of its unit conversion process and the processes of those with which it does business. Many dollars are traded each day as a result of those processes, and miscalculations can be embarrassing and costly. For those who have a clear understanding, they will be able to manage through the calculations with confidence.

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