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Title: Accuracy Enhancement Of A Combined V/Z Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Author: Sejong Chun Byung-Ro Yoon Woong Kang Hyu-Sang Kwon
Source: Flomeko 2013
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: Ultrasonic flow metering with clamp-on type transducers is a promising method when portability in flow metering is necessary. Nevertheless, the clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter has low measurement accuracy as flow speed in the pipe decreases. If the two types of clamp-on ultrasonic flow paths, namely, Zshaped and V-shaped ultrasonic paths, are combined, measurement accuracy can be increased because the metering output becomes robust. In the present study, the measurement accuracy of the combined clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter was within +2 % at 50 m3/h, which was smaller than those of the Z-shaped and the V-shaped clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters at the same flow rate. This can provide an advantage for water resource management because a general guideline for the water resource management is less than +2 %.

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