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Title: Applications Of A Mini-Computer In Performance Testing Of Reciprocating And Centrifugal Compressors
Author: Charles J. Germany
Source: American Gas Association 1973
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: An MIT engine indicator has been moditied to provide a digital input of pressure and crankangle to a mini-computer. This input provides data for coordinates of 400 points which go to make up a pressure versus volume diagram and from which an analysis of the performance can be made. The mini-computer is used to process data at the test site for both reciprocating and centrifugal compressor performance. Prompted by the need for an on-the-site evaluation of performance for reciprocating engine-compressor units, we have taken what we consider to be the best part of the old reliable MIT indicator and interfaced it to a mini-computer. The equipment which we have selecled and assembled, along with the necessary software, allows us to automatically acquire rpm of the engine and sufficient data from the compressor cylinders for a set of coordinates that will describe a pressure-volume diagram.

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