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Author: Anthony Elliott
Source: 2019 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: SCADA has the ability to perform an immense complex number of functions. Given the sheer volume of SCADAs potential benets, how do you ensure your organization receives the full extent of SCADAs value? The evaluation of complex systems is both difficult and risky this is especially true if you are learning the new technology while at the same time keeping up with daily responsibilities. However, while difficult, making an informed decision regarding a future SCADA solution is critical to the entire organization. The decision to implement a major SCADA system binds the company to that system for a minimum of seven to ten years. It is imperative that frontend engineering take place and that all business groups associated with operational eld data are involved in order to obtain and implement business requirements. The data collected from SCADA systems should easily migrate to other business systems for engineering analysis, accounting purposes, and other technical needs.

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