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Title: New Turbine Meter Introduction To The United States
Author: Richard D. Hannan,
Source: American Gas Association 1971
Year Published: 1971
Abstract: THIS paper answers the following questions: 1. Why seek a more efficient meter? 2. What is a turbine meter (pinwheel analogy)? 3. Whats so unique about this turbine (Merbine) meter? The natural gas industry, like many other basic industries of the United States, continues to search for those ways to increase revenues and have a more efficient operation by utilization of equipment and techniques. One of the most important areas of study today is in gas measurement-better measurement in order to capitalize on natural gas as a premium fuel in todays energy market. Why seek a more efficient meter? The answer lies in the present situation in which the natural gas industry finds itself. The demands by large industrial and commercial users continue to rise because of the need to meet the demands of cleaner air in our metropolitan environments. At the same time, the proven reserves of natural gas are decreasing, which means that we must do a better job of accounting for the natural gas that is produced, transported and distributed throughout the United States.

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