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Title: The Cutler-Hammer Recording Calorimeter
Author: G. m. Arnold
Source: 1938 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1938
Abstract: TN T H E production of gas for domestic and industrial use, its heating value should he kept as uniform as possible. Whether manufactured from coal in the conventional gas plant or produced from wells as natural gas, the problem Is the same. In general, gas for domestic use is distributed under franchise from the city which stipulates its B, T. U. content and the rate which can be charged for it. Regulations also set up certain limits of B. T. U. variation which cannot be exceeded without incurring penalties. The utility company exerts every effort to render good service to its customers by maintaining such gas heating value and pressure as will result in best appliance performance. It is also desirable to hold the heating value as close as possible to the B. T. U. set by franchise for anything in excess represents a loss in revenue. In the sale of gas for industrial use the same situation holds. Industrial burners are usually more critically adjusted and are more sensitive to B. T. U. variation. Many contracts for sale of gas for industrial use are now including B. T. U. clauses and also provide premiums for imiform quality.

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