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Title: Fundamental Principles Of Displacement Gas Meters
Author: H. J. Evans
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: The posilive displaceneDt ges metel measur-es the volLrme of gas passiDg through it. FoI this reason, ihe cubic foot tr. t eo- the staDdard unit for. the gas itdustly Actually (e are inlereslcd in mcasrLring gas because of the elergy uhich it contains. trVhen cubic ieet of gas are measured for selliDg purpases, it rnust be acculately describecl to iDsule ttrat it nas a celtein amount of heating value lf a sjmple mete could be devek)ped to measure thc number of BTUS passing thlough n line, the principles ol glls measulement rvoulct be more stlaight-folwarcl anct Dot complicated by the urrlt of volulne, hich var-ies nith pressule aud tempture

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