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Title: Heat Fusion Saddle Tees: A Discussion Of The Variables That Affect Joint Quality
Author: T. W. Gorman
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: Hot tap, heat fusion, saddle tee joints made in the field often do not match in quality the same joints made in a laboratory or at a demonstration. Based on our experience both with testing and installation, 1 will discuss these differences. Although our experience is with high density polyethylene pipe and tubing, the discussion is appropriate for all polyethylene pipe. Two-inch and smaller pipelines operating at high pressure demand the greatest skill when installing a heat fusion saddle tee hot tap joint. Many conditions other than diameter affect the plastic pipe joiners ability to make an acceptable heat fusion joint. They include the pipe joiners capability, the materials behavior, allowable manufacturing tolerances, and the operating procedures of the gas distribution company.

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