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Title: Conservation Of Fuel, Oil And Anti-Freeze-A Panel Discussion
Author: Ivan Macrae
Source: American Gas Association 1975
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: A total of 101 surveys were mailed to utility companies (gas and electric), of which we received 67 replies, and of this total we were able to use a total of 64 which were compatible with each other and/or with the survey information requested. Of the total 64 companies in this survey report we have the following information. Total passenger cars covered in this report- 24,266. Of this number we have the following: Sub-compacts- 1,689 or 7 % Compacts- 10,482 or 45.5% Intermediates-7.453 or 30% Standard size-3.988 or 16.5% and Luxury-294 or 1%. In oil change frequency on a mileage basis, eight companies reported at 2,000 miles, one company at 2,500 miles, ten companies at 3,000 miles, thirteen companies at 4,000 miles, three companies at 5,000 miles, and ten companies at 6,000 miles for a total of 45 reporting on a mileage basis.

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