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Title: Allow Coriolis Meter Verification To Reduce Your Proving And Proof-Test Costs
Author: Timothy J. Cunningham,Tom Obanion
Source: 2012 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: Industry and Agencies are dedicated to ensuring fair and safe measurement in numerous applica-tions such as fiscal transfer of gases and liquids, Environmental compliance and Safety systems. Annual or more frequent proving of flow meters and other devices is common. Coriolis meters are widely known for their stability and linearity over time, suggesting that proving intervals might be extended, reducing Proving and Proof-Test costs. Coriolis Meter Verification uses onboard diagnostics to measure the flowtube stiffness, which is directly related to the flow calibration factor. Each verification checks meter stiffness and compares it to a factory baseline. If the stiffness is unchanged, the calibration factor is correct and the meter will meet its mass flow accuracy specification. Meter Verifications confirmation of the accuracy of the measurement and the integrity of the me-ter provides a means to reduce cost by extending proving intervals

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