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Title: Pressure Controls
Author: C. L. Bryan
Source: 1964 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1964
Abstract: Controls, automatic controls of all types, unquestionably originated in mans physical laziness. But their development, to even the present degree of perfection, attests to mans mental alertness and ingenuity during these periods of physical laziness. History doesnt tell us when man first realized the existence of pressure or the possibility of pressure control through pressure dissipation. We know, however, that hydrostatic head (pressure) was a factor in the everyday life of the early Egyptian in the Nile Valley. The building of crude dams for water head pressure and water diversion for irrigation purposes through crude gates combined the two factors of pressure and control. These systems of water regulation were greatly improved by the addition of transmitting pipe lines made of hollowed out trees or crude clay pipes. The original crude Gate Valve was improved by the addition of gadgets and these gadgets led directly to self-actuated valves or regulators and indirectly to automatic controls.

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