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Title: Odorant Concentration Measurement To Control Odorant Injection
Author: Wiley m. Cauthen
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: Gas analysis as a control technique for odorant injection is not a common practice. Most natural gas industry odorant injections are controlled by ratio of odorant to gas volume. Using gas volume flow rate as the control method for prorata injection of odorant is quite satisfactory if the system is properly designed, constructed, maintained, and operated however gas volume flow control may prove expensive from a first cost basis in mainline installations where valves and meters must be installed. Also il is not capable of accouniing for naturally occurring odoranis in the gas nor does ii provide a quantitative record of odorant in the gas. This paper presents an alternative control method using gas analysis by either chromatography or titration to insure proper odorization of gas.

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