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Author: Keith Fry
Source: 2019 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: There is no substitute for well maintained, properly installed, and properly performing measurement equipment. Industry- standard measurement equipment installation, operation, and maintenance provide the raw data necessary for those dealing with natural gas liquids (NGLs) to transact business. Then, this raw data can be adjusted or converted to values suitable for transactions to take place and for proper accounting. To determining which adjustments or conversions to use, begin by understanding the desired results. Some measurement processes and accounting software applications require volumetric quantities. Others require mass quantities. For many NGL applications, the preferred outcomes are liquid volumes of pure components. This is because most NGLs are eventually fractionated into pure products and market prices for these are readily available. Sometimes, the gas equivalent values of liquids are useful for operations. Knowing the starting point is equally important. The starting point can vary depending on the type of measurement. Different resources and applications provide for different means of measuring NGLs. Quantity measurements can be made on a mass basis or a volumetric basis.

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