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Title: Effects Of Stratification On Boil-Off Rates In LNG Tanks
Author: N. Chatterjee
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: The addition of LNG to a partially filled tank containing liquid of a different density may lead to the temporary formation of stratified layers, The subsequent mixing of the stratified layers is accompanied by increases in vaporization rates which usually are insignificant but which sometimes are important. The physical phenomena associated with the mixing of stratified layers of LNG have been simulated on a computer. The calculated limes to reach peak vaporization rates agree satisfactorily with those which have been recorded for three different tanks. Operating criteria have been developed from simulations of the behavior of tanks filled from ships, trailers and liquefaction plants for various fill rates, layer heights and initial density and temperature differences between layers. One method for mitigating potential hazards associated with stratification is by limiting the density and the temperature differences belween fresh liquid and LNG in the tanks. In case of large density differences, mixing of tank contents during filling or after filling, may be required.

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