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Title: Avoiding Worries About Siloxanes In Fermentation Gases By Formulating Specifications
Author: Howard Levinsky
Source: American Gas Association 2010
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: The desire to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and enhance the sustainability of the energy supply has resulted in a drive towards increasing the use of renewable fuels. Biofuels are enjoying much attention in this respect, and are being (re)introduced as fuels for both transportation and stationary energy conversion. Given the penetration of natural gas in power generation, industrial, commercial andresidential markets in the US and Europe, using the natural gas infrastructure to deliver biogases is an attractive means of ensuring a high penetration of renewable energy in all aspects of end use. However,biogases contain compounds that are not ordinarily present in natural gas, and these chemical species can have adverse effects on the integrity of the infrastructure, the safety and performance of end-use equipment, and even on the health of the end user. In the companion paper in these proceedings, we give an overview of the various species and their impact on the different components of the gas chain. In this paper we discuss one particular chemical compound that does not occur in natural gas, siloxanes.

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