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Title: Instantaneous And Continuous Pneumatic Computations Of Flow Through A Differential Pressure Device
Author: J. E. Hewson
Source: 1967 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1967
Abstract: The positive displacement meter - a device which counts repetitive quantities under known conditions -- was the first suitable method of measuring gas volumes. The quantities are totalized and produce a dial readout which is corrected to standard conditions for billing purposes. Because a positive displacement meter is inherently a totalizer, determining flow rate is more difficult than with inferential type measuring systems. As natural gas found more markets, gas line pressures increased to move the larger quantities, a less cumbersome means of measuring large volumes of gas was necessary and the orifice plate followed the pitot tube as a means of producing a measurable signal which is related to flow rate. The resultant technique of recording differential and static pressure required a device to integrate the quantity of gas from a rate measurement.

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