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Title: Pneumatic Tool Cleaning-A New Four-Station Cleaner
Author: Lawrence E. Jones
Source: American Gas Association 1985
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: Utility companies can account tor yearly pneumatic tool repairs. However, if pneumatic tools are Hushed clean and lubricated for any incremental period, repair costs will decrease. By tracking pneumatic tool repairs from 1971 through 1984 at Southern California Gas Company, we have demonstrated how tool cleaning and lubricating reduces repair costs. For example, in mid 1975, SoCal began cleaning and lubricating pneumatic tools. As a result, for the following period 1976 through 1981, tool repairs decreased nearly 300 per year, an annual repair cost decrease of over 35,000. In mid-1982, SoCal began changing out an old flushing machine for repairs, but, because Quality Circle groups indicated how messy tool cleaning was and suggested that maybe it was not healthy, we did not place all the old tool cleaners back into use. As a consequence, for the following two years, 1983 and 1984, the average number of repairs increased over 260 a reversal of the previous savings, a cost increase of 32,000 per year

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