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Title: Absolute Area Measurements Of Circular Radiometric Apertures
Author: Maritoni Litorja, Joel Fowler
Source: 2002 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: One of the major factors that limit the overall accuracy of many radiometric measurements is the uncertainty associated with the measurement of the aperture area. NIST has established an absolute aperturearea measurement facility for circular and near-circular apertures. The instrument is composed of an interferometer-feedback system for highaccuracy positioning of the aperture and detection of the aperture edge using video microscopy. Measurement is made by locating the edge points along the internal aperture circumference and using fitting routines to determine the geometric aperture area. In this paper we present a description of the instrumentation and measurement methodology, based on the work started and described by Fowler, Durvasula and Parr.1 Analysis and estimation of various contributions to the overall measurement uncertainty, including the effects of diffraction and partial coherence of the light source on the edge location are also discussed.

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