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Title: Energy Conservation In The Natural Gas Industry
Author: Robert B. Rosenberg
Source: American Gas Association 1978
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Two technologies will be of vital importance to the future of the gas industry. One of these is the development of increased sources of supply of gaseous fuels, and the other is the development of new equipment for the more effective utilization of these fuels. In the area of gaseous fuel supply, the industry has a large number of options available to it, all of which are being actively pursued. Included among the new developments are the gasification of coal, of peat, of biomass (organic material that is grown specifically for conversion to a gaseous fuel), of shale, and of waste and garbage. Other potential supply options for which technology is being developed include so-called unconventional natural gas sources such as gas from geopressured zones and from coal mine seams, and the truly synthetic gaseous fuels such as hydrogen produced from water. The prospects are that a number of these alternative fuel supplies will be brought to commercial fruition beginning in the mid 80s. Throughout the post-1985 period supplies of gas could expand very rapidly, providing a long-term source of gaseous energy for consumers.

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