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Title: Gas Chromatography
Author: John Light
Source: 1965 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1965
Abstract: Chromatography as an analysis technique is a quiet, dignified centenarian, but its young prodigy, Gas-Liquid Chromatography (G.L.C.) is a rambunctious teenager. Through the use of its electronic gadgets and exotic processes, this youngster has caused open revolution in otherwise orderly centers of knowledge. Because of G.L.C.s wide range of influence and adaptability, a general description of its activities only adds to the confusion surrounding this precocious infant but, a common sense approach to one facet of this many-sided problem child will allow us to make a powerful ally of this sometimes revolutionary. The change of method used in the analysis of natural gas and gasolines in the past decade is closely paralleled by the advance of G.L.C. during the same period. Just as with any revolution, (the rapidity of these changes and a lack of knowledge on the part of the people involved), a great deal of rumor and misinformation, result in being mixed with truth. By weeding out the rumors and half-truths it could be that the analysis of natural gas and gasoline might someday become the exact science that the self-styled experts now believe it to be.

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