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Title: Densitometers For Sales Gas Metering
Author: Ottokar Brandt
Source: 1986 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: The paper discusses the problems involved in the measurement of large quantities of gas of varying composition at high pressure for energy billing. Vibrating-element densitometers are almost ideally suited for this application. At numerous international sales gas metering stations in Western Europe and, more particularly, in the Federal Republic of Germany, these instruments have been employed for many years. The method of measuring density by density cells as well as improved designs and installation techniques are discussed. The paper analyzes the effect of the velocity of sound on density measurement and reports on tests made by the weighing method to study what corrections can be made for the velocity of sound effect. These tests also provided information on the validity of the densities published by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards for methane and nitrogen. The paper concludes by a review of field and laboratory calibration uncertainties.

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