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Title: PIM-A Unique System For The In Place Replacement Of Cast Iron Mains
Author: Frank T. Bahniuk
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Several years ago Elizabethtown Gas Company started a long-range program to eliminate two-inch and three-inch cast iron mains. In 1981 and 1982 Elizabethtown also began to experience problems with one manufacturers four-inch and six-inch mechanical joint cast iron pipe installed in the 1940s and 1950s. Studies indicated that graphitization was occurring in this particular pipe. Typical cast iron replacement programs involved both insertion into the old main or the direct burial of a new main. The size reduction associated with insertion made this method somewhat unattractive, so that a main replacement became more common. The new main was typically installed parallel to the existing main, three to five feet away on the street side. Under our procedures, the new main would be gassed out and lied into the existing main at each end of the block then the area would be backfilled. Services were transferred at another time, with each transfer of a service involving an excavation over each main and a small trench between (for the service extension). The service(s) would be disconnected from the old main, extended to the new main, and reconnected (See Figure 1).

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