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Title: Liquid Measurement Field Surveys
Author: Wesley G. Poynter, Ph.D.
Source: 2004 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: A review of measurement facilities and procedures is often called an audit. This can be confusing, though. The dictionary defines Audit as An official examination and verification of accounts and records, especially of financial accounts. In the oil patch, Audit if often used loosely to describe either or both aspects of a measurement review which includes: 1. A review by Auditors who check to make sure things are done in accordance with established procedures, that calculations are correct, and that the accounting process is current and correct. This is close to the dictionary definition in that it includes, but is not necessarily limited to, examination and verification of records and accounts. 2. A review of field facilities and operations to ensure that proper equipment is used, that equipment is installed in accordance with manufacturers and industry guide lines, that proper measurement/calibration procedures are used, and that personnel are properly trained. This aspect of a review does involve examination and verification, but of equipment and procedures rather than accounts. To differentiate, this aspect will be called a Measurement Survey.

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