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Title: Measuring High Frequency Control Valve Noise To Evaluate The Interaction With Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters
Author: Frederick W. Catron, Allen C. Fagerlund1
Source: American Gas Association 2007
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: Ultrasonic gas flow meters are installed in pipe lines with particular concern on the location of flow noise sources, such as control valves, tees, and other piping components. While the operating frequency range of the gas flow meter is far above the typical range of the controlling noise being generated by control valves, there is good evidence showing there are noise sources from control valves in the operating frequency range of the ultrasonic gas flow meter. Measurements were taken to evaluate control valve noise and the interaction that noise had on the operating frequencies of an ultrasonic gas flow meter. The test program utilized an ultrasonic gas flow meter in a pipe line with various types of control valves in operation.

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