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Title: Mechanically Driven Electronic Volume Correctors
Author: Mark A. Keirs
Source: 1992 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1992
Abstract: I feel as though I have a unique opportunity in writing this paper. The opportunity may be yours however. I am but a beginner at this game. Having only been with the company I represent, and involved with the gas industry as a whole, for less than a year at the writing of this paper. My observations are formed of one unbiased by experience with mechanically driven instruments, by one who has grown up surrounded by electronics and technological advancements and by one who believes these advancements should be taken advantage of as tools for success. I am, however, a believer in the theory that you are a product of your environment and I have been fortunate to be exposed to many knowledgable people and alot of quality written information much of which was generated as a result of this school. Therefore much of the meat of this paper will sound very familiar, but thats due to my belief that there is quality offered by whats available in the market today.

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