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Title: Care And Operation Of Recording Gas Gravitometers
Author: W. R. Gay
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: In discussing the Arcco-Anubis Recording Gas Gravitometer the term specific gravity will occur frequently. It is, therefore, well to define the term specific gravity as applied to gas measurement and to emphasize its importance In the commercial measurement of gas. A common term, specific gravity, simply refers to the ratio of the weight of a unit volume of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of some other substance selected as a reference standard. Therefore, we refer to the specific gravity of any solid or liquid as its weight in terms of the weight, of an equal volume of water when the value of water is taken as 1.0. Under this reference standard iron has a specific gravity of about 7.5, lead about 11.3, and mercury about 13.6, while air at one atmospheric pressure and at 60 degrees F. w:ould have a specific gravity of .001223. In other words

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