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Title: Large Capacity Displacement Meters And Auxiliary Devices
Author: Howard H. Holmes
Source: 1968 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1968
Abstract: This paper will describe some of the techniques necessary to size and operate large positive displacement gas meters and will discuss the auxiliary equipment required to correct the measured volumes to base temperature and base pressure conditions. Large displacement meters are differentiated from domestic size meters on a capacity basis. Normally any meter passing more than 500 cubic feet per hour is classified as a commercial, industrial, or large displacement meter. It does not necessarily follow that the large meters will operate at higher working pressures than domestic meters however, more often than not this is the case. Positive displacement gas meters are devices that measure volumes under pipeline conditions of pressure and temperature. If we are to accurately determine volumes at elevated pressures, the volumes totalized from the gas meter must be modified to take into account Boyles Law, Charles Law, and deviation from Boyles Law.

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