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Title: Odorization In The Natural Gas Industry
Author: Steve Farnan
Source: 1998 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: In the early 1900s, manufactured gas had a natural gassy odor due to by-products found in the gas. As technology improved and cleaner natural gas replaced manufactured gas, the need to odorize natural gas evolved. In its infancy, the gas industry was without regulations and procedures until the explosion at the New London Elementary School in 1937 which killed hundreds of children and teachers. Since that time, regulations have been passed by both the federal government and individually by the states. The intention was, first and foremost, to increase public safety and awareness. Now we are required to follow, at a minimum, the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (49CFR) part 192.625. Some of the requirements demand the following:

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